Saturday, May 28, 2011

Season Finale

Whew! We did it. We pulled off another season - the best ever I might add. It has been so fun watching the kids play and seeing the fields come alive with family and friends. And there is the adorable Commish. Mark really puts his heart and soul into this league and I try to be as supportive as I can. He is a people magnet. I truly think his energy, happy spirit and inclusive nature have transformed this league.

Every year I wince a little when I think of how busy we are running this thing. When we are at the field, Mark is going around making sure everyone has what they need and the fields are top shape. I am most often in the snackbar feeling guilty that I never get to just sit and watch my children play. But we make every effort to see them as much as we can and this year was particularly fun to watch. Diego's pitching and level of play this year was exciting. Jules may be smaller than a lot of the girls she plays against, but she holds her own and FLIES around the bases. Elise was often put at pitcher because she could be counted on to make the plays. And Paolo - let me just say the kid gets dressed in full uniform 2 or 3 hours before his game starts and if you ask him, his team has one every game. Good times.

Well, I can't say I am not glad the season is done. Time for a little R and R and summer vacation!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Batman and Boogers

I am tired. It is the end of the school year, there are a million things going on and I am tired. Whenever I feel exhausted like this, I have to find humor and happiness in the little things. Today, it was Batman. I don't know why I thought this was so funny but as I walked down the hall this morning, this is what I saw. I think there may have also been a booger smeared across the wall nearby, but I didn't think anyone wanted to see a picture of that. Anyways, it just made me think of how funny kids are. I mean, most adults I know don't go around the house and shove toys in random places - but kids do. They also wipe boogers on the wall. Just enough to make me giggle today. And that is just enough to keep me rolling.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Center of the Universe - Speck of a Star

Being the mother of five children of various ages can be challenging. Each is at a different stage, has different needs, and I am often left wondering if I am doing enough. But something occurred to me the other day that brought me some peace. One of the trickiest parts of being a parent is making our children feel like they are SO special, SO loved, SO important - in other words, the center of the universe - while simultaneously helping them to realize that they are a speck of a star in the scheme of things. This crazy paradox keeps me guessing, trying new tactics and constantly re-evaluating my parenting skills. How can I love them and give them my all without turning them into little monsters who can't see beyond their own wants and desires? But so much of this epic lesson is inherently taught in daily life of a family, especially a large family. I can't be everything for everyone at all times and so they learn to be there for each other, be patient, and be prepared for things to go just a little different than they planned. Of course this usually happens in the form of a few shoves, some shouting and maybe even a few tears, but it happens.