Cheers for the Day?

Whatever does this mean???  When Diego and Jules were little, maybe 4 and 2 or 5 and 3, they made up this song that went - Cheers for the day and history, La La -  La La -  La Laaaaaa!!  It became our "family toast"  and it always struck me how right on the money these two little precious children were.  We need to celebrate today and honor and give thanks for our past.  Our children are mutts - Mexican, Polish, Irish, German and who knows what else.  I love thinking about all the people and events in our distant past that have brought us to THIS day, in THIS place with THESE children.  I strive to live in the moment and not take one day for granted.  So yes D and Jules, Cheers for the day and history, La La - La La - La La!!!