Friday, June 17, 2016

Time Warp

So I had a moment of quiet on this, my 42nd birthday.  I sat down to the computer and decided I would return to my blog. I was shocked. November of 2013?? That is the last time I posted? I absolutely cannot believe that nearly 3 years have passed.  It makes me sad because looking at old posts, I really like having a little record of the day to day life around here.  Well here is a quick recap of the last three years and what made it difficult for me to blog.

In the fall of 2013, Sr. Raphael asked me if I would consider chairing our school's annual auction.  I knew this was something I would eventually do but I was not expecting to do it YET. Well long story short, I agreed, along with my friend Michelle and we chaired it not only that year but the next as well.  It truly was a lot of fun and very gratifying but needless to say, it absorbed me a bit.  I also tried out a part time job during the 2014-2015 school year which was another great experience but when they asked me to go full time I realized that not only would that be stressful on the family but it would keep me from being home, where I have my true vocation and peace.

This school year was an absolute whirlwind.  Ava started kindergarten so I had an empty house during the day which was new for me.  I enjoyed the freedom and calm and felt more prepared for the kids when they came home than I ever have.  Things will change though as we await the arrival of baby #6!  We are having a baby girl this summer and while I am a little anxious about making the adjustment back to being the mom of a "little", I can't help but feel excited and so in love already.

Another thing made this year a bit different is that Mark's mom was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a type of blood cancer.  She was very sick and we almost thought we were going to lose her, but she pulled through and has begun treatment.  She will have a stem cell transplant next month and we are all praying that this can be a distant memory.  Her illness has helped put a lot of things in focus though.  At 42 I feel so blessed.  I am part of TWO amazing families, I have a wonderful, devoted, fun, loving, successful husband (chief now!!), I have 5 beautiful children with one on the way.  I am still able to do what I love and feel called to - motherhood.  I have great friends from so many different parts of my life. And I have faith - my Catholic faith which can be difficult at times but drives me to love more, be better, and help others.  Life is GOOD!

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